Celebrating our Website Launch!

I'm so excited to birth this into the world! New studio, new website, new possibilities! It's a work-in-progress, so check back often as we are filling this cup daily.” ❤️🌟💕🥰

I'm so happy and grateful for this beautiful website created by the incredibly wonderful and creative @tclaire.oconnor of Wellness Web Designers. 💛🥰🙏🏽

It is a work of art and, through her intuitive and thoughtful approach, really embodies what I work to create at the studio — Harnessing the healing power up embodied and creative expression, creating community, and encouraging possibility.

Working with Claire has been exactly the deep medicine I've needed to take this vision and birth it! Thank you for your midwifing, Claire! Beyond grateful and feeling so blessed!

I highly recommend working with Claire O’Connor for your website creations!

And y'all I hope you'll go to the website often because new events, classes, pages, pictures, and videos are added on the regular.

Much love and gratitude,
— Yarrow


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