Drumming Classes


Dance Classes


Community Drumming Performance Troupe


Dance Classes with Live AfroFusion Music


Drumming Classes 〰️ Dance Classes 〰️ Community Drumming Performance Troupe 〰️ Dance Classes with Live AfroFusion Music 〰️

Joyfully bringing people together through drumming and dance!

King-Doumbya Dance & Drumming

Our Mission

Joy, Healing, and Unity Through the Music and Movement of Africa & Beyond!

Yarrow King and Lassina Doumbya formed King-Doumbya Drumming and Dance to share their passion for the music and dance of Africa and the African Diaspora.

Through spirited classes and performances, King-Doumbya Drumming & Dance brings people together to joyfully explore our connection to ourselves and to one another as we find beauty and healing in the present moment — through the vibration of music and the freedom of dance.

The meanings of the Adinkra symbols:

Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan — Those led by love always end up in the right place
Bese Saka — Abundance and plenty, togetherness and unity
Nea Onnim — The quest for life-long learning
Dweninmmen — Strength of mind, body, and soul, humility, wisdom, and learning
Fawohodie — Freedom, self-determination with personal responsibility 

“Brings Me Inexpressible Joy”

The magic, the healing I feel as I move through those ancient, powerful steps — breathing in and expressing their energies — brings me almost inexpressible joy. I smile so hard that my face hurts. Thank you for holding space for that beauty.

— M.C. | dance student

“Such Accessible Joy”

Lassina teaches drumming with such joy and positivity and makes it accessible to anyone. I’ve been a long-time dance & movement student. Yarrow’s teaching is clear, challenging, and right for my body. INjoy is a gorgeous, vibrant studio!

— Jaimie L. | drumming & dance student

“So Much Love & Joy”

You have brought so much love & joy to my life, flowing with rhythm and community. I just pulled my long yellow gauze skirt out of the closet for our next dance class! Gratitude to you!

— Christine Conte | dance student

 Join Our Mailing List Today!

Join our mailing list & we’ll keep you INformed on upcoming dance & drumming classes, workshops, events, live music, and more — all the INjoy Movement Studio happenings!

Far beyond learning how to make music together, an African drumming class is viscerally transformative.

You'll feel a magical, healing joy bubbling in the beating, synchronous heart of the experience.

Join us in a kinetic, communal celebration of what it means to be human.

Grounded in joyous vibration, we find our deepest shared heritage, the earliest pulse of human expression and connection.

Every Beat Pulsing Through Your Body

Sending Waves of Energy and Excitement


Pure Unfiltered Joy

You Sync with Everyone in a Thundering, Collective River of Sound

The Rhythms Wrap Around You Like an Ancestral Heartbeat

You feel the Pulse of Aliveness.

Familiar, Free & Connected.


Community Performance Troupe

2024 Performances

  • Tucson Meet Yourself

  • Forgotten Children Fundraiser

  • Sonoran Cohousing Community Show

  • Cyclovita Holiday Festival

Since early 2024, King-Doumbya has been thrilled to perform at a variety of community events in Tucson and around southern Arizona.

Students in our drumming and dance classes are eligible to be considered to perform with us. Join a class to feel the thrill of sharing the magic!

Community event organizers are invited to reach out to us to discuss King-Doumbya performing at your upcoming event.

2025 Performances

  • Sahuarita Art on the Lake

  • UA Men's Basketball Halftime Show

  • St. Mark's UMC Concert Series

  • Copa Cultural Night Market

A Little About Us

Hi, I’m Yarrow King. I’m passionate about helping people thrive through movement.

Together with my husband, master drummer Lassina Doumbya, we’ve designed the studio’s offerings to help you access the joy-for-life that comes from moving your body.

We would love to welcome you to the community. Join us!

Meet Lassina

"The joy of music and the healing vibrations of drums create beautiful magic. We feel the energy, making us present in the moment as we celebrate the connection and unity among our souls."

— Lassina

Lassina Doumbya was born and raised in Ivory Coast, West Africa. He has studied, taught, and performed in West Africa and the United States.

Drumming became his life’s passion as it helped him through difficult losses. His buoyant presence brings joy wherever he goes. He embodies celebration — lifting hearts, minds, and bodies through his masterful drumming and teaching.

Meet Yarrow

Heart-centered instruction, informed by 20+ years as a Licensed Massage Therapist, African diaspora dance teacher, and movement educator.

Fueled by compassion and curiosity, Yarrow has studied extensively, taught, and performed dance throughout the western United States, Cuba, the Caribbean, and Brazil. In her dance classes, she helped thousands of people explore deep and joyful movement — from the core — so they can feel more alive, free, and connected.

Follow the Fun on Instagram!